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Sunday, June 20, 2010



Pancreatic pseudocyst - basically, your pancreas gets angry and tries to digest part of your insides. This is, you know, bad. I took care of a patient who had one removed that was the size of a BASKETBALL. Granted, the patient was not a small person, but jeez!

How to invite Ethiopians to dine - phonetically it sounds like "nem la" to me. The person who explained it to me said that it's loosely translated as "let's eat" and that culturally, they are bound to offer to share food with anyone who is around. In the US, many Ethiopians have modified that to offering to share food with other Ethiopians who are around... although now I understand why one of the aides who I've gotten friendly with keeps trying to feed me. I'm one of us now. :)

Commenter Irene, I accidentally deleted your comment! Sorry about that. To answer your question, no, I'm not Chinese. I'm just interested in visiting HK because I think it would be a cool experience, and I'd get to eat lots of interesting food. I love trying new things. Good luck with nursing school.

This weekend I have attended a yoga class that was really above my skill level but made it through without any injury. I've cooked two yummy dinners with my friend who is visiting. I've gotten plenty of sleep. And although I love my husband and my friends and my family, I am ridiculously glad to be spending the afternoon at home alone.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010



I'm all about the lists lately.

Things that have recently made me happy:
-My amazing coworkers and their enthusiastic hugs, support, assistance at work, and ongoing admiration for the extra work I'm doing.
-My husband's love, support, and general holding-down of the home front.
-A message from a friend inviting me to come spend time with him and his adorable baby.
-The positive reaction I get from patients and families when I attempt to speak my terrible Spanish with them.
-Learning the polite way to invite my Ethiopian friends to eat with me, and better yet, trying it out on my coworkers and watching them look surprised.
-Waking up at 6:30 on Saturday and still making it to work on time!
-Paychecks from staffing agency work.
-Anticipation of my friend E's return visit to Seattle
this week.
-My house.
-My garden even though it still needs a lot of work.
-Weird flavors of Lucerne light yogurt - Bartlett Pear Mangosteen?

Things that have recently made me sad:
-War. The entire concept and the individual loss of life.
-Reading all the recent studies about how getting more sleep makes one's life 1,000 times better and being unable to control the fact that if I spend 14 hours on work & transit time, that doesn't leave enough for shower/dinner/quality time with husband/winding down enough to sleep/getting the recommended 9 hours of sleep. Clearly we need 30 hour days.
-Lupus with severe, life-threatening complications in a patient younger than me.
-Lice, scabies, bedbugs, and all their little friends.
-The IRS
-Colostomies and corn - two things that do NOT go great together.
-Losing my fancy Bluetooth headset like a dumbass.
-Giant pancreatic pseudocyst.

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Friday, June 04, 2010


I wish

-I could play the accordion.
-I weighed 80 pounds less.
-I made more time for yoga.
-And playing the piano.
-I was as kind to my loved ones as I am to my patients.
-I knew how to cook a steak.
-and mix a good cocktail.
-and sew.
-that the pelicans in the Gulf were oil resistant because their photos make me cry.
-that my friend hadn't died last summer.
-that I made more time for friends.
-and less time for worrying.
-that I could make up my damn mind about whether I want to have a baby or not.
-that I could travel to Ireland & Germany & Italy & Spain & Japan & Hawaii & Hong Kong.
-and Belgium.
-and Portugal.
-and San Francisco.
-that we could manage to arrange a time to have dinner with R & M, and have dim sum with K & A.
-and see Andy face to face instead of only through a computer.
-that my garden would produce lots of tasty food instead of getting eaten by slugs.
-that people would stop judging other people because of the color of their skin.
-that everyone in this country had healthcare coverage so no one would have to go untreated.
-that it was easy to tell people when you love them.


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