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Monday, October 09, 2006


assessment, the first step

(If you're a nurse or nursing student, you know why that title is funny. If you're not, suffice to say that the brainwashing is working... I mean, I am being socialized into the nurse role.)

Last week I didn't do so hot in terms of following the schedule that I set for myself. I didn't completely fail, either - I did get up and do yoga a couple of times before class, I packed my breakfast and/or lunch most days, and I completed all my assignments on time. I managed to keep food on the table and clean clothes in our laundry baskets - but the rest of the house sort of went to hell. And I didn't get in any cardio.

Today is going according to plan thus far - I got up and did yoga this morning, went to class, ate my pre-packed lunch on campus, came home and studied for a while, went for a jog, came back and showered, and now I'm sitting down to study again. If I manage to fix dinner and clean the catbox tonight, I will have managed to do everything I set out for myself today!

It helped that Sunday was catch-up day. I caught up on sleep by sleeping until 11:30. I caught up on cleaning the house. I caught up on lots of reading for school. I'm so, so happy not to be working on Sundays anymore. Not that working on Saturday is loads of fun, but at least I get one day of down time to get ready for the week ahead and spend time with my sweetie.

Okay, time to hit the books.


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