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Thursday, June 08, 2006


classes done, finals left

Today was my last day of class for the quarter. I'm done with exams, done with logs, done with nursing process papers, done with roleplaying, done with skills lab. Now I just have two finals to take next week and I am off for the summer!

This has been a really intense experience, these last 10 weeks. I felt at such a disadvantage going in, because I was notified so very late that I would be able to join the program. But since then, I've risen to the challenge and more than succeeded. I am proud to say that I have excellent test scores and excellent feedback from my instructors - and most important to me, I have had some of my classmates say REALLY kind and heartfelt things to me, completely unsolicited. Today I gave a classmate a ride home and out of the blue she told me, "You have such a calm manner with people, I think you're going to be a terrific nurse." That was so nice to hear.

7 of us went out to breakfast between classes today and had such a good time together. It's going to be sad to not be with this same small group of people in clinicals next quarter - although I hope at least some of us will be together!


Congrats on being done with your first quarter! It only gets better from there, I promise. I'm so impressed by your great attitude...if I'd blogged during nursing school it would have been full of four-letter words and other creative descriptions. And breakfast with my classmates?!!? I can hardly think of worse punishments!
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