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Friday, October 14, 2005


first day of clinical

Well, I lived through the first day of my clinical. It was not difficult, in the sense that nothing I did today was hard or super-unpleasant, but it was emotionally challenging on a lot of levels. It was hard to see some of the most incapcitated residents - although they are cared for with skill and kindess (more on that in a minute), it's kind of a shock to see people who are too out of it to sit up or open their eyes or feed themselves. I suppose that says something about our society!

Also, I felt like I was all thumbs today following the NAC that I shadowed - just as I feared, I didn't know ANYTHING. But it wasn't what I expected not to know, if that makes sense. The skills that I learned in class were all completely useful! But I still felt like I was all thumbs because I didn't know where to get supplies or throw out trash or open doors with coded locks or where to find the dining hall or a million other things. Monday will go much better now that I know a thing or two!

I'm not going to talk at length about the specifics of what I did, both to preserve the residents' privacy, and because most of my readers would probably be grossed out. :) But there were a couple moments that felt good... one was when I sat and chatted with a retired lady who lives on a less-assisted floor, and she told me about her previous job and stuff. Another was when I helped a man eat lunch, and he read my nametag and told me my last name was the same as his, and then I was able to coax him to eat all his vegetables. The woman who came around and wrote down what everyone ate was surprised - apparently he'd insisted he didn't want a vegetable.

One thing that made me glad that I'm headed down the nurse career path was that I was hugely intrigued by what the nurses were doing. Of course I'm not shadowing them because I am learning to be an *assistant* not a nurse at this time... but all their charting and med-passing and care-planning looked so much more interesting than what I was doing all day! That is good affirmation that I'm doing the right stuff.

And finally, now it's official - I honestly would rather wipe butts than work at my old spam job!

It sounds like you're taking the right path. I had a similar experience and STILL have no regrets about being in nursing. Good for you! :)
You'll learn so much as an assistant, though, that it will really help when you get to nursing school.
The Dark Powers of spam demand your return! Your life essences must be wasted sending meaningless and often insulting offers via electrons to those who are often least able to resist there tempations!
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