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Friday, May 27, 2005


you've got questions

I've got answers.

Scott asked me what I thought of Star Wars Ep. 3. And, well, it was okay. I liked the beginning, and I liked the ending quite a bit, but I got bored during the middle. The special effects were pretty cool. But the dialog was LAME. And the acting was WOODEN. I know Natalie Portman can act, but in this film she seemed like a robot. I don't know if Hayden Christensen can act or not, but he was a pretty one-note character in this film as well.

However! I liked the action sequences, especially the Obi-Wan rides a dragon part. And the storyline definitely makes Darth Vader a more three-dimensional character, explaining how he came to be the big evil guy in a black outfit. Oh, and Yoda had more personality than any of the human characters. Mostly, I just wish Lucas had let someone else write the dialog so it wasn't so stiff. Finally, this film suffered from a lack of Harrision Ford. :)

Cindy asked in a comment about applying to nursing school and taking CNA training in Seattle. Hi Cindy! Welcome to Seattle! Here are some bits & pieces of information that might help you out.

Schools in the area that offer degrees that will make you an RN:

As for CNA training, I found a list of places online somewhere (the state site? the King County site? I can't remember) that offer CNA classes or traning. Without further ado:

Seattle Nursing Assistant Academy
FIRCREST in Shoreline
FOSS HOME AND VILLAGE (although my friend called them and they told her they don't do CNA traning anymore)

I haven't called any of these places myself to make any inquiries. If anyone out there knows anything further or makes some phone calls, please leave a comment!

I've put another post up here with some further information.

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You forgot to mention the wonderful Highline Community College, home of the Thunderbirds! ;) Classes start only in the fall, and admissons are basically based on GPA.

Also, Renton Technical College offeres both CNA and LPN programs and are looking at starting an RN program in two years.
Wow, this is great, thanks! Very helpful. I wondered if there's a reason you didn't include the UW on the list of places where you can train to be an RN? I assume it's because it takes 4 years and is a full bachelor's program vs. the programs at community colleges where they basically prepare you to pass the RN exam?

Anyway, this is helpful, I'm sort of doing this one step at a time... starting with the CNA training and then possibly LPN and see where that takes me. I'll let you know what I find out when I call around.

Yep, you're right about why I don't have any info about UW's RN program... I already have a BA from a state school and have no interest in pursuing another 4 year degree and paying another huge chunk of money for it. :) I'm sure it's a perfectly good school & program - it's just not right for me at this point.

Also, thanks Hypnokitten! I didn't know about Highline or RTC's programs.
Thanks so much for doing all this research. It has really helped me.
Have you gotten any good feedback on South seattle Community's program.
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