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Wednesday, December 08, 2004


winter break

I called my professor today to see how I did on the last exam and what my overall grade will be... and he told me I got 45/50 on the exam, and that my overall grade was 91% which translates to a 3.8. I made the executive decision that I would be happier by accepting a 3.8 and beginning my winter school break today than I would be if I stressed for another week, took the final, and maybe was able to get a 49 or 50 on it and bump my grade up to a 3.9. Perhaps that shows a lack of go get 'em attitude on my part, but I am TIRED. I really need some down time - which isn't really down time, it's just time when I can accomplish some of the things I've been putting off.

In any event, yay me! I got an A in Anatomy!

Good for you! Sounds like the same decision I'd make. I am so tired right now I'm just going to lie down for an hour before I tackle the next round of studying.

I'm taking a different approach: finish the stupid, hated essay take home final (complete with research which nobody has time for) in Human Development. That way, I only have 2 left after the Micro final tomorrow.

We have to do what we can to save our sanity!

Third Degree Nurse
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