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Thursday, December 30, 2004


america the tightwad

Editorial: Are We Stingy? Yes

Two things jumped out at me when I read this:

1. The Republican party is planning on spending $30 MILLION for the inauguration festivities next month, but they can only be bothered to send $35 million for aid in Asia after the tsunami.

2. Most Americans believe that the US spends 24% of its budget on foreign aid to poor countries, when the number is is actually less than one quarter of one percent. I can't decide if I'm more appalled that so many Americans think the government is spending so much on foreign aid when it's obvious that so many countries are still in extremely dire straits... or if I'm more appalled that the US actually shares so very little of its vast wealth with people in need. I wonder how private aid from Americans to foreign countries stacks up against the government aid?

America spends money to others, but cant help america's homeless. they should be our first concerns!.
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