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Wednesday, October 20, 2004


vroom vroom

We have officially become a two-car family. On Saturday, we drove (and drove and drove) down to Auburn to pick up R*'s brand new silver 2.5 XT Limited Subaru Outback. Holy crap, it is a nice car. I haven't even had a chance to drive it yet, because R* has been so enthralled with it. Which is more than fair - he's the one who drives 30 miles round-trip to work, whilst I sit on the bus and gaze out the window. Or sleep and try not to drool on myself, whichever. Ahem. As I was saying. Now that R* has his fancypants new car, I have custody of the Toyota Echo (Darla), who is the most practical little city car in the world. Several people have expressed dissatisfaction with the idea that R* would buy a new car and it wouldn't be for me - which completely astounds me since he made all the payments on the Echo and is handing it over to me for free!

The best thing about the Outback is that we'll be able to drive with impunity over the pass even when it's snowing. As much as I like Darla, she is not the best in inclement weather. Last year we ruined my parents' Thanksgiving plans by canceling our trip to their house at the last minute due to snowy conditions in the pass. This year, we'll be there no matter what! Also, our drive down to Cannon Beach for Christmas will be much safer and more pleasant as well.

Oh, best non-driving-related feature of the new car: butt warmers.

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